Start with these courses to ensure you have the basics so you can progress easily with the intermediate and advanced courses.
Learn Go for Beginners Crash Course (Golang)
Building Modern Web Applications with Go (Golang)
Building Web Applications with Go - Intermediate Level
Once you have the basics you can move on to these courses.
Introduction to Testing in Go (Golang)
Building a Module in Go
Let's build a Go version of Laravel
Let's build a Go version of Laravel: Part Two
Working with WebSockets in Go (Golang)
Working with React and Go (Golang)
Working with Concurrency in Go
Working with Microservices in Go
Working With Vue 3 and Go - Intermediate Level
Building GUI Applications with Fyne and Go (Golang)
Working with Design Patterns in Go (Golang)
Building 2D Games with Ebitengine in Go (Golang)
Working With Python - Introductory Level
Deploying a Secure Virtual Private Server with Ubuntu